About Craig Gary and CraigCapture, LLC
The image above took three weeks of preparation and only one and half hours to set up and shoot. That is the approach taken to doing things beyond normal photography and video. The boundaries are always being pushed.
When you are a Jack of All Trades, boundaries just become suggestions that you habitually line step over. That sums up me and how I run the company to deliver results.
My Values
Whenever possible light it.
Whether stills or video, your sensor will thank you for the extra detail and dynamic range.
Work in this dimension.
There are effects and 3D composites that are great and have a place. But, record or shoot like you are in this dimension.
Take the extra step.
Whether it’s another take, another angle, or another light that will provide separation…do it.
Good work takes time.
“No other words need be said.”
-King Leonidas